Service Projects
Rotarians are People of Action who put Service Above Self. The Club hosts, funds, and participates in projects that benefit the local and global community and that align with the Rotary's Guiding Principles. Since the Club's charter in 1984, emphasis is placed on projects that benefit the lives of children.

Our current service projects include:
- Mechanized Borehole Global Grant in partnership with the Rotary Club of Accra Labone
- March Madness Fundraiser
- Community Citizen Award
- Polio Plus Tailgate at CNU
- Oyster Bash
- Bikes for Tikes
- Salvation Army Bell Ringing
- Christol House Golf Tournament
- Picnic for EDMARC Hospice for Children
- Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
- Sponsoring Rotaract
- Funding a New Horizons Scholarship, in honor of PP Howard Manly, deceased
- Purchasing Sheltor Boxes
- District Polio Plus Night at the Tides
- And more!
Some of our recent projects include:
- Feed the Peninsula COVID19 Response
- Habitat for Humanity Multi-Club Build
- Polio Plus Wine Tasting
- Multi-District Global Grant: Adadease Junior High School in Ghana
- Renovating daycares with Smart Beginnings Virginia Peninsula
- Renovating a home with VersAbility